ODONTALGIA (or O! don't! a Gila Monster)
longlife to yon Widowstar of
bawdy thigh,
a Mother astride a heathen hog
in tights from the land of DogmaMoo.
El erectile Polyp! Pontoon to abmormal Jobsession, martyred bedlamite so dear to mummery...
Weak dupeheads!
Meaty are red nostrils!
Fake almanacs of fetishit!
ye Grand
... on of Dread:
oats aboil, diapers slain by Realty
& in a new aeon's wondery ear a doombird thinks
it's deaf. (Factually beaning my legume a veined
banana of mercy & truth!
Dear Doctor, yourine looks wet...
It's no maggoting matter,
tanggod I even leer at rain.
Mock wool
blocks my gelletin eggroll car!
Creamy alephantskin drops mucus,
eruct a
even as evil dandrumm itches the hairy trumpet,
live healthily, preaches the Heavenly Pump:
Blessed be thy heavy thumb!
Hearty me lads as we heed & hearken (aswellaswill) but
hearth of earring am I still.
Yet in their splayphooted mirth,
They say those bluearsed Terramites are really
treepangs of the
Tangogritty Mortician Urchch...
so all ye eunuchs, unite & urinate upon the
cathodic gargantuan crutch!
(me, i micturate into the eternal alien
timefile & emit a smile)...
O hebrew hymeneal eyepiece:
this spectral harem o' mine; miserably harried
here I lie,
serpentslither writherdowner of my penispine; by
the slimy lips of Her prettypink oshole a hornet zips,
Enlist the sextit, for the ribald dontoot gets so noisome
dying... send me no
free abortifacts or Magnetic Charters of belated grief
in organized lament (rather the
lingering orgasm of her boaconstrictor kisses)...
Seaurchins take soapbubble baths
as Sol ablutes the poison
thrust of Ruthful hurts,
quickly Quinking my toy squid squirts!